Knowledge Manager's Guide


1. Overview
1.1. Introduction to This Document
1.2. Introduction to This Tool
2. Operating Environment
2.1. Hardware Requirements
2.2. Software Requirements
2.3. Prerequisite
3. Installing the Tool
3.1. Installing the Tool
4. How to Use
4.1. Operating Procedures
4.1.1. Creating Your Eclipse Project
4.1.2. Starting up the Tool
4.1.3. Creating Knowledge
4.1.4. Checking Knowledge Document
4.1.5. Saving Files
5. Uninstalling the Tool
5.1. Uninstalling the Tool

1. Overview

1.1. Introduction to This Document

This manual provides a brief description of procedures from installation through to use of the Knowledge Manager.

1.2. Introduction to This Tool

Operating as an Eclipse plug-in, this tool allows you to easily create and manage knowledge on GUI. Knowledge allows you to set search conditions, difficulty in porting, porting man-hours (approximate number of lines to be ported) and other factors for extracting the code that needs to be ported. The registered knowledge is managed in the XML format. It handles mainly the following information.

Table 1. Information handled by this tool

Knowledge documents informationDocument information can be exported in the HTML format. By copying exported files to the Knowledge-Based Search makes it possible to link reference from search results.
Search information regarding code that needs to be portedSearch information can be exported in the XML format. Using exported files as input to the Knowledge-Based Search makes it possible to use them as search logic.

2. Operating Environment

2.1. Hardware Requirements

It has been confirmed that the tool can operate in the following hardware environment.

Table 1. Hardware Requirements

CPUPentium (R) Dual-Core CPU E5400 @2.70GHz (2 CPU) or the equivalent
RAM2012MB RAM or more

2.2. Software Requirements

It has been confirmed that the tool can operate in the following software environment.

Table 1. Software Requirements

OSWindows XP/7, RHEL6(*)Other Linux Compatible
JavaVM Oracle JRE 1.6 or more
IDE Eclipse 3.7 Indigo or Eclipse 4.3 Kepler

2.3. Prerequisite

None in particular.

3. Installing the Tool

3.1. Installing the Tool

Set up the operating environment described above. Perform the steps below after the required environment has been set up.

  1. Download

    Download the plug-in.


  2. Unzip

    Unzip the downloaded file. Unzipping the file creates the tubame.knowhow_* directory.


    The * part of the name varies with the version.


    Unzipping the file in Windows may fail due to path length limitations. If it fails, use a short path such as C:\temp for unzipping.

  3. Install in Eclipse.

    Move or copy the unzipped directory to the plugins directory under the Eclipse installation directory.

  4. Confirm installation.

    Select the Eclipse menu as shown below.

    HelpAbout EclipseInstallation DetailsPlug-ins

    Confirm that the Plug-in Id column contains the tubame.knowhow plug-in name.

  5. Complete installation.

    This completes the installation.

4. How to Use

4.1. Operating Procedures

The following describes how to use the tool.

4.1.1. Creating Your Eclipse Project

Perform the following steps.

  1. Start up Eclipse.

  2. Start up the project creation wizard.


  3. Create a project.


    Use the New Project wizard to make the appropriate settings required by the environment of the item to be ported to create a project.

4.1.2. Starting up the Tool

Perform the following steps.

  1. Start up Perspective.

    WindowOpen PerspectiveOtherKnowledge Manager

  2. Initialize the tool.

    Starting up Perspective automatically starts tool initialization. Please wait until initialization completes.


    Initializing XML marshal/unmarshal classes can take time.


    Initialization once started cannot be canceled. Clicking the Cancel button is ignored.

4.1.3. Creating Knowledge

A method for creating knowledge is described below.

  1. Create a Knowledge XML file.

    FileNewOtherKnowledge XML file


    To open a created Knowledge XML file, right-click the file and select the menu as shown below.

    Open WithOtherKnowledge Editor

  2. Work with Knowledge Entry view.

    Use Knowledge Entry view to add, refer to, update and delete knowledge. Created knowledge can be used as an item to create documents and other data. Use either of the following methods to start up Knowledge Entry view.

    • Auto startup after creating knowledge XML.

    • Start up from Eclipse Show View menu.

      WindowShow ViewOtherKnowledge ManagerKnowledge Entry view

  3. Create an item group that builds knowledge.

    Use the following steps to create items. Since there are no items to begin with, a category must be created.

    (Select item)Right-clickRegistration menuStart up registration wizard


    Only categories can be created when no item has been selected.


    In addition to the above methods, copy and paste can also be used to create items.

    The following item types are used to build knowledge. A description of each item is given below.

    Table 1. Item types

    CategoryAn item corresponding to the chapters and sections that configure a document. It contains title information.
    Knowledge An item corresponding to knowledge content described in the chapters and sections that configure a document. It contains DocBook#Artile format content information.
    Check item An item that contains information whether or not corresponding knowledge will need to be ported. It contains information such as search processes, porting factors, difficulty and other information.
    Search information A search logic item that the Knowledge-Based Search uses during searches.

  4. Work with the Knowledge Editor.

    This editor edits registered items and creates document configurations. The Knowledge editor contains the following tab types. A description of each tab is given below.

    Table 2. Tab Types

    Documentation Enables editing of the chapter configuration of HTML documents to be created. After creating a heading, categories can be dragged and dropped from the Knowledge Entry view to configure a document.
    Knowledge details An editor that edits knowledge content in the DocBook#Article format. In the editor, you can right-click to insert tag templates.

    To prevent the creation of separate sections that corrupt the chapter configuration, the <section> tag cannot be used.

    Check item Allows you to edit check item information and search information selected in Knowledge Entry view.

    The following describes check item information and search information data entries that are edited in the Check item tab.

    Table 3. Check Item Information

    Search processProvide an overview of which port items registered as knowledge should be searched and how they should be searched.
    Conduct a search Select this checkbox to conduct searches using the Knowledge-Based Search.
    Porting factorSearches items that correspond to the reason for the need to port code.
    Difficulty Selects the difficulty of porting work.

    The criteria used for selection are described below.

    • High

      Requires major rewriting of the implementation involving major changes to the implementation, settings and other changes.

    • Medium

      Requires minor rewriting of the implementation.

    • Low

      Can be handled by minor rewriting that does not affect implementation.

    • Unknown

      Unknown difficulty

    • Impossible to port

      Impossible to port

    Difficulty detailsSelects difficulty details of porting work.

    The criteria used for selection are described below.

    • High

      Involves a high level of difficulty.

    • Medium

      Involves a Medium level of difficulty.

    • Low 1

      Items that involve a low level of difficulty but cannot be processed by simple replacement.

    • Low 2

      Items that involve a low level of difficulty and can be processed by simple replacement.

    • Unknown 1

      Difficulty is unknown and JBoss does not have a function for determining difficulty.

    • Unknown 2

      Difficulty is unknown and it is not even known whether JBoss has an applicable function for determining difficulty.

    • Impossible to port

      Involves a level of difficulty that makes Impossible to port.

    Visual checkEnter criteria or investigation methods of visual checks when set logical search conditions are not enough to define items that need to be ported.
    Inquiry checkEnter items to be checked with developers when the need for porting cannot be determined without checking with the developer.

    Table 4. Search Information

    Target search fileEnter the name of files subject to search. Regular expressions can be used in entries.
    Search keyword 1Enter the parameters that will be passed to the search module. Regular expressions and XPath entries can be made.

    The parameters that can be entered differ with the search module. Enter parameters using the search module overview as reference.

    Search keyword 2Enter the parameters that will be passed to the search module. Regular expressions and XPath entries can be made.

    The parameters that can be entered differ with the search module. Enter parameters using the search module overview as reference.

    Search moduleSelect the module to search based on the search module overview.

    If not selected, the standard search function is used for the search. The standard search function performs searches using search keyword 1 and then search keyword 2 to search files found among Target search files.

    Search Module overviewDisplays a description of the search module overview.
    Line count calculationSelect this checkbox when the value in the Line count field should be added as porting man-hours when a search returns a hit.
    Reason for not calculating Enter the reason when line count calculation should be ignored.
    Unknown/TODO When the line count is not finalized, select an applicable item.
    Line countEnter the rough number of lines that should be rewritten during porting.
    Line count basisEnter the reason for the entered line count.
    Investigation detailsEnter the investigation method for calculating the number of lines that will be rewritten.

4.1.4. Checking Knowledge Document

A standard Eclipse browser can be used to check a created knowledge document. The following two methods are provided.

4.1.5. Saving Files

This feature allows you to export created knowledge as files. The following two methods are provided.

5. Uninstalling the Tool

5.1. Uninstalling the Tool

Delete the installed tubame.knowhow_*. This completes the uninstallation.


The * part of the name varies with the version.


Add the -clean option when starting up Eclipse after deletion.