Migration assesment report's Guide


1.TUBAME's Migration assesment report
1.2.How to Use

1.TUBAME's Migration assesment report


The following describes how to use the features TUBAME Reporting

1.2.How to Use

  1. Be sure to copy the project within the Eclipse two files that the CSV output


    If you want to report the results of a knowledge-based search tool, 「...eclipse/plugins/tubame.portability-*/resources/xml/checkListInformation.xml also becomes necessary, checkListInformation_ja.xml」file may also need to be copied to the project in Eclipse


    If you want to report the results of a dependence search tool, need to run CSV export


    In this example, it is saved as a knowhow_result.csv the file output in the knowledge-based search. Save as depends_result.csv files that are output in dependence search tool

    Save the CSV file to report_input directory in this example

  2. Change the extension of the CSV file


    Changed to "jbm" the extension of the CSV file output by the knowledge-base search tool( knowhow_result.csv -> knowhow_result.jbm )

    Change to "gjbm" the extension of CSV files output by the dependency search tool( depends_result.csv -> depends_result.gjbm )

  3. Get TubameReportGenerator.xml from github of TUBAME


    It is obtainable from the following


  4. By specifying the knowledge XML to TubameReportGenerator.xml, you run the knowledge base search

    Figure 1. Menus for performing Knowledge Search

    Menus for performing Knowledge Search


    Please be aware of the following

    • Please make sure that is stored (depends_result.gjbm and knowhow_result.jbm in this example) CSV file output in dependence search tool or knowledge base search tool always in the search

    • If you want to report the results of a knowledge-based search tool, 「eclipse/plugins/tubame.portability-*/resources/xml/checkListInformation.xml」 is also necessary. Please be place in the same directory as the file knowhow_result.jbm also checkListInformation.xml

    • Please specify the TubameReportGenerator.xml as knowledge XML

    • Please specify the search directory where jbm/gjbm file exist for need to generate a report .In the case of this example, you can right-click the report_input directory and run the KnowledgeBase Search

    • You do not overwrite the existing file jbm, the destination file change the file name of the destination result

  5. Confirmation of reports that have been output


    Report is output to the 「eclipse\plugins\tubame.knowhow-*/report」 under by default. If you want to change the output destination, open it in knowledge management tool TubameReportGenerator.xml, please specify the full path of the output directory to Search Keywords check items of "search-csv"

    Figure 2. Tubame Report Image

    Tubame Report Image


    See in jbm file editor again after the report output, if you want to edit, you need to be copied to the 「eclipse/plugins/tubame.portability-*/resources/xml」under the checkListInformation.xml that you copied in the project